Nonprofit nontech leaders who can barely turn on your own computer find themselves facing decisions about technology that have enormous organizational, timeline, and fiscal implications. It’s like someone said, “Since nonprofit leaders are already over their heads, let’s just add Technology to the list of things they are critical for success but have no training in.”
With over 15 years of tech experience, 10 years of direct consulting, and 4 years of R&D into system success, The Human Stack knows how important the leader’s role in successful technology is, and how impossible it feels to leaders. This workshop is designed to help nonprofit nontech leaders know what to delegate, who to delegate it to, how to create reasonable accountabilities, what monthly action they need to do to keep it on track and off their plate, a free PDF for monthly actions, and an invitation to join Bad @ Tech where they can find free resources.
Leaders who attend this workshop will leave with more clarity, less confusion, and a new sense of confidence.
Tim Lockie has been in nonprofits and tech for over 20 years. Over the last decade, he founded Now IT Matters and The Human Stack, dedicated to helping nonprofits succeed with their technology.
As a former Salesforce MVP and Partner, Equality Partner, and Microsoft Partner, his experiences have shown him the impact of system deficiencies on organizations. That's why he is passionate about creating access to Digital Transformation for all nonprofits, regardless of size.
In 2021, Tim developed and launched Digital Guidance®, a methodology designed to move nonprofits from tech-resistant to tech-resilient and transform the nonprofit industry into a human-centered digital space.